Enter Manila beer with their strong push for below the line marketing through events and sales drives through the usual metro haunts. Well their beer still sucks, but the light (green label) one is a tad on the decent drinkable side, still experienced an uptick in sales penetration.
It kicked of with a decent radio ad with two guys from a barkada (group of friends) argue about the most nonsensical things light calories and playing around with the tagalog word for why (Baket?) with bucket. It might seem offbeat but it really got people's attention. The Pale pilsen series I discussed above comes next, followed by SMB light's downfall.
They come up with an updated version of the two guys bantering on silly things.. except this time the jokes are too obvious , too redundant, too lame. It didn't have the charm and feel of the first radio ads making it a desperate try to cling on what worked before... hello this is a few years later, things change, people get tired of the same crap. Here comes the new even weirder part, they got an endorser.. that they try to integrate into the ad. wtf.
Sam Pinto is a cute girl, they picked her to be the face of San Mig Light, but to the ad industry's tears, they epically fail in doing so. They relate the beer to sam, to sam, sam, and order another bucket of sam. How can relate to this? If i'm past teeny bopper age, i wouldn't know sam pinto. And frankly with this radio ad I can care less. goes the same way with the ponds commercial ad, if you have to say the endorsers name, then you shouldn't have done it on radio, tv would have been a smarter choice.
This goes in a vibrant contrast with their new addition to the San Miguel Pale Pilsen crew, Bossing Vic Sotto.
They teased it on facebook with a photo of him having fun with the "guys" of the first iteration, with his back to the camera. They did this one on the radio as well, and without a name, damn that's Vic Sotto, instant recognition, what radio ad endorsers should be. Jeez, who the F is handling the San Mig Light account should drink more beer, and maybe they'd get better ideas.